Thursday, February 25, 2010

Wanchai Ferry- "Perfect Night In" Giveaway!

Thursday, February 25, 2010
Still trying to decide on what to have for dinner? How does Shrimp Lo Mein, Spicy Garlic Chicken, Sweet & Sour Chicken or Orange Chicken Sound?

Sounds good don't it? Well do not reach for the phone just yet because I'm not talking take out. I'm Talking Wanchai Ferry!

Now available in the freezer case at Target, Wanchai Ferry frozen entrĂ©es offer restaurant quality Chinese food in four varities without the trouble of leaving home ...  If your thinking about all that MSG you would be consuming don't worry because all four entrĂ©es have no added MSG!

"Wanchai Ferry Orange Chicken has all of the ingredients needed to prepare a great-tasting, complete Chinese meal for 2 in only 14 minutes! With lightly battered chicken breast pieces that stay crispy when prepared and wholesome Asian-style vegetables, like tender broccoli florets, snappy julienne carrots and delicate baby corn, Wanchai Ferry Orange Chicken will make you feel as though you’re enjoying a meal at your favorite Asian restaurant! It even comes with fluffy, tender Jasmine rice and a tangy orange glaze that adds the perfect touch of spicy heat."

Wanchai Ferry provided me the “Perfect Night In” prize pack that includes one VIP coupon valid for a free package of any of the Wanchai Ferry frozen entrees, a set of great Asian-inspired rice bowls, chopsticks, bamboo placemats, flavored fortune cookies, and a $25 Target gift card through MyBlogSpark. I must say that Wanchai Ferry Orange Chicken really does taste like restaurant quality Chinese food, maybe even a little better than what we usually have around here. And lets get real... It's probably a little cheaper too! Right now there is a $1.50 off coupon available at  making it an even better deal.

Thanks to Wanchai Ferry and MyBlogSpark one Angela's Bits reader will win a "Perfect Night In" Prize pack! Open to U.S residents only.

 To Enter:  Describe your idea of a perfect night in

Extra Entries: Leave a comment for each.

1. *New* Subscribe to get Angela's Bits updates in your inbox +2

2.Subscribe to my blog via RSS feed +1

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4. Blog about this giveaway with a link to this post +5 entries

5. Follow me on twitter and tweet about this giveaway +1 daily By either copying the message I have provided below, using the share option at the bottom of this post, or create your own.

RT: I just entered to win an awesome "Perfect Night In" Gift Pack at @angelasbits Giveaway ends 03/09

6. Spread the word about this giveaway online (leave a link to where ) +1 ea.

                                                     Good Luck!

Disclosure: Wanchai Ferry provided me with free product, information, and prize pack through MyBlogSpark. In no way did this effect my review.

637 People Clicked Here to comments:

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tannawings said...

Hmm-perfect night in? Something either delivered or perhaps me not doing dishes ? If I had to cook, it would be something grilled :)

tannawings said...

email subscriber +1

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email subscriber +1 (2nd)

tannawings said...
2/25 tweety
I follow you as @tannawings

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~*~lilshuga2001~*~ said...

Me n my hunny, romantic dinner, cuddled up watcching a movie!

~*~lilshuga2001~*~ said...


~*~lilshuga2001~*~ said...

I get your feed!

Mami2jcn said...

Perfect night in: have food brought in, cuddle up and watch a movie together.

mami2jcn at gmail dot com

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peg42 said...

My idea of the perfect night in, is spending a nice romantic night with my husband. First, having a nice dinner together, then cuddling and watching a movie and going to bed early. Since we have children, an overnight stay for my kids at their Grandparents house would really help us have a nice night together. Thanks so much.

peg42 said...

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Thanks again.

Unknown said...

A perfect night in would just be good food, family and a great movie :)

mindy said...

movie and popcorn thanks for the giveaway minsthins at optonline dot net

Jen lleras said...

my perfect night in starts with no children, is filled with dim lighting food and a show I missed because I was watching yo gabba gabba, and ends with romance and a foot rub!

Nikki said...

A perfect night in = no kids, good food (Chinese would definitely qualify), no dishes to clean up, and a great movie rental. Maybe reading a book with my snuggie and a mug of hot chocolate, in peace and quiet. Of course, all this is only good if we get to sleep in the next morning.

nik_har at yahoo dot com

Chip said...

Kids in bed early, my laptop, my hubby and a good movie. Sounds good to me.



yummy food, phone off, perfect movie and cuddling

Mysharona said...

lasagna, a movie and a big blanket.

hale2005 said...

A perfect night in would be with Wanchai Ferry sweet and sour version. Some ice cream for desert.


Anonymous said...

The perfect night in would be to have chinese food delivered and watching a really good movie on DVD or TCM!!

Anonymous said...

Jen1012R said:

A good movie, candles, and good company!

Mamushi Love said...

My favorite night-ins involve my friends. They have these nights where they have "dramatons" which is when they spend all night watching Asian dramas. When I'm involved, it's usually anime-a-thons. We cook, we laugh, we play games, and we sleep (sorta). Good times.

PAIGE said...

My perfect date night includes my sweetie, my puppy, Orange Chicken, and the big screen with the perfect movie.

Ravzie said...

My perfect night in would involve someone else cooking and cleaning up, sharing a nice bottle of wine with my handsome husband, a little slow dancing in the living room and an "early bedtime". thanks.

cookiert said...

My perfect night it would include not having to cook, and a good movie to watch!

cookiert at yahoo

abfantom said...

My perfect evening is a bottle of wine, some take out, and a good movie to watch with my husband.

abfantom at yahoo dot com

Amber said...

My perfect night in would be cuddling with my sweetie and watching a good movie like Atonement!
Thank you for the giveaway :)

Roblyn and Alan said...

A perfect nite in would be my DH cooking me a nice dinner and then snuggling by the fire.

roblyn66 at yahoo dot com

Rita M said...

Dinner delivered, fireplace on & watching some of our favorite TiVo'd shows.

BowieTip said...

A bottle of wine between me and my partner...

Kia89 said...

The perfect night in would be having takeout and watching a good movie with my family.

cstironkat said...

My perfect night is when the kiddo spends the night with a friend. Then my husband and I can get a good movie, eat takeout the kiddo won't, and then we play together later.

cstironkat said...

I tweeted

Nancy said...

A perfect night for this cold winter would be homemade soup, a fire in in the fireplace and curled up with a great book.

Nancy said...

My tweet:

Lim said...

My perfect night in consists of whatever to eat, and a bunch of people willing to spend a large chunk of the evening playing games. Parcheesi, Scattergories, cards, or whatever we all feel like.

coliebear said...

Salsa, chips, a good movie, and then some bubble bath and a book.

mar said...

My idea of a perfect night in is watching a romance DVD with my husband while sipping on a glass of wine in the den!

Legendj01 said...

My perfect night will be having delivery, a bottle of wine, and a good movie.

Legendj01 said...

followed and tweeted:

Wendi P said...

My perfect night in involves either take-out or someone other than myself cooking dinner, a funny movie and some wine.

Wendi P said...

I follow you on twitter @WendiP and tweeted:

mogrill said...

Yummy Chinese food, a good movie, a pint of ice cream and my heated blanket. Thanks for the chance.

Flowerg said...

A perfect night in is a delicious meal that I didn't cook and funny comedy with my family.

Anonymous said...

A good night in is sitting on the couch with my Slanket watching a rented movie.

rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com

Flowerg said...

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Anonymous said...

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rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com

Flowerg said...

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Unknown said...

My perfect night in is yummy food that I didn't cook, a yummy dessert or else lots of junk food, a great movie, and my husband and little boy snuggled on the couch with me!

Unknown said...

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melody said...

watching Apolo Ohno win the gold.

lsfish said...

a great movie, warm house, wine and pasta

Mami2jcn said...

daily tweet:

mami2jcn at gmail dot com

wildcat32 said...

My idea of the perfect night in is a movie, steak from the grill, and the kids at grandma's for the night.

wildcat32 said...

follow and tweet

sphinx63 said...

My husband makes dinner, my daughter cleans up afterward, we all watch a movie together. Sounds great!

sphinxcw at aol dot com

sphinx63 said...

I'm a follower on google friend!

sphinxcw at aol dot com

buzzd said...

We make dinner together, have a quiet peaceful mean and then watch a great movie.

joanne1120 said...

Perfect night in- me not cooking, me not cleaning up- me not decideing what to make!

Unknown said...

A perfect night in means a great show on TV or a good movie. Food is Chinese or pizza.

Kimberly said...

A perfect night in would include good food (hopefully that I don't have to cook!), good wine, good movie, and the morning off. :)
kirbycolby at gmail dot com

Kimberly said...

email subscriber #2
kirbycolby at gmail dot com

Kimberly said...

I follow and tweeted.
kirbycolby at gmail dot com

henniferus said...

A perfect night in for me would be eating a delicious meal with dessert and then watching a funny movie. Afterwards, we would have some play time with our Westie because she loves it when the both of us play with her at the same time. Thanks for the great giveaway!

cstironkat said...

2/26 I tweeted

Sharon Harmon said...

A perfect night in for my husband and I is cuddling on the couch with a blanket and watching a good movie, while eating some hot'n spicy Chinese food!

Nancy said...

My tweet:

Snowflake07 said...

My perfect night in is easy...good food that I didn't have to cook, something good on tv, and relaxing. Since I'm sure these dinners are easy enough for my hubby to prepare; I'd say they would be a perfect starter!

Snowflake07 said...

following on twitter (as SnowflakeDay) and tweeted:

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email subscriber entry #1

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Legendj01 said...

daily tweet:

Genny said...

My perfect night in would be spent with my boyfriend. We would cook dinner together, drink wine, and watch some of our favorite movies.

contactinkspot at gmail dot com

Genny said...

Email subscriber 1

contactinkspot at gmail dot com

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contactinkspot at gmail dot com

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contactinkspot at gmail dot com

Genny said...


contactinkspot at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...



sksweeps said...

My perfect night in would be a quiet night with a good friend, no TV, good music in the background, a nice dinner (Orange Chicken would certainly work) cooked by someone else (or the two of us), and no teenager drama!

Deborah said...

The perfect night in: someone else makes dinner and cleans up! Then, we watch a movie, and share some hot cocoa, which someone else made and cleaned up after. Then, early to bed zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. :D

Deborah said...

I follow you on twitter; here's my tweet:

Deborah said...

I subscribed with Google Reader.

tannawings said...
2/26 tweety

kdkdkd said...

My perfect night in - someone else cooks, serves, and cleans up after while I am getting a back-rub and the kids play quietly in the other room ... never gonna happen

Missybeez said...

Watching a great movie and eating popcorn.

Missybeez said...

follow google friend connect

Linda said...

A perfect night in, have food brought in, and sit by the fire and enjoy a good movie together.

Nicole said...

renting a movie and cuddling on the sofa

Jenn R said...

A perfect night in for me would be some good comfort food and a nice page turner.


Karen P said...

My perfect night in is a fire, dinner, movie and a massage.

Karen P said...

i follow via gfc

llinda29 said...

My perfect night out is dinner and a concert

Hannah Igoe said...

My perfect night in would be with my husband, all the kids asleep and a quiet house, snuggling up on the sofa with a glass of wine with a good movie!

Ellie Wright said...

The perfect night in for me consists mainly of a hot bath, a good book, and a cozy bed.
eswright18 at

Ellie Wright said...

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eswright18 at

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eswright18 at

Wendi P said...

TGIF :-*
I tweeted today, thanks!

smilekisses said...

The perfect night in would be ordering out and laying on the couch watching a good movie.

Anonymous said...

My idea of a perfect night in is a quiet evening with dinner cooked or carried in for me, a good movie rental, and popcorn :) *Thanks* for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

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JC said...

My perfect night in would be- great meal/food with family and friends together.

tcarolinep at gmail dot com

JC said...

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tcarolinep at gmail dot com

JC said...

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tcarolinep at gmail dot com

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cstironkat said...

2/27 I tweeted

henniferus said...

I subscribed via email.

Flowerg said...

Daily tweet

janetfaye said...

Pizza or Chinese Food and a movie to watch.

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

janetfaye said...

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janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

janetfaye said...

Feed subscribed with Google Reader.

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

sweepmom said...

My perfect night in would start with the kids sleeping overnight at their cousins :). My husband and I would have a nice light meal, snuggle up together on the sofa watching a romantic movie and see where that leads us ;).

Connie Black said...

My perfect night in is staying at home with all my kids in our PJs with popcorn, movies, and games!!

Connie Black said...


Connie Black said...

Google Friend follower!!

clc408 said...

My idea for a perfect night in is a good DVD, easy dinner and plenty of popcorn.

clc408 said...

Following on gfc

Kimberly said...

daily tweet!
kirbycolby at gmail dot com

Mami2jcn said...

daily tweet:

mami2jcn at gmail dot com

Linda Kish said...

Pizza and a movie

lkish77123 at gmail dot com

Linda Kish said...

subscriber 2

lkish77123 at gmail dot com

h. mcnaron said...

Perfect night in: dinner waiting for me at the table, chocolate dessert, telling funny stories, watch a scary movie, go to bed early.

h. mcnaron said...

google friend follower.

Holly B said...

Dinner and a movie on our couch!

tannawings said...
2/27 tweety

Nancy said...

My tweet:

Snowflake07 said...


Unknown said...


Jennifer Wilson said...

My perfect night in would be playing lots of games -- and of course me winning at Scrabble!

jenndiggy at gmail dot com

Jennifer Wilson said...

I follow google connect.

jenndiggy at gmail dot com

henniferus said...

I am already subscribed via email under the address of henniferus at gmail dot com.

Legendj01 said...

daily tweet:

Sonya Cocherell said...

A perfect night in would be good food and a good movie. Thanks!

Wendi P said...

I tweeted today, thanks so much!

ohstac said...

My perfect night in involves sweatpants, a nice roaring fire and a chick flick!

ohstac said...


Flowerg said...

Daily tweet

Nancy said...

My tweet:

Mami2jcn said...

daily tweet:

mami2jcn at gmail dot com

clynsg said...

Eating some goodies I should probably stay away from, curled up in my favorite chair, with a good book.

clynsg at

clynsg said...

Google friend follower

clynsg at

henniferus said...

I am following you via Google Friend Connect.

Wendi P said...

Today's tweet, thanks!

Mari said...

My idea of a perfect night in is renting a movie and snuggling on the couch with the hubby

runningmatey at hotmail dot com

Mari said...

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runningmatey at hotmail dot com

Mari said...

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runningmatey at hotmail dot com

Mari said...


runningmatey at hotmail dot com

tannawings said...
2/28 tweety

scottsgal said...

perfect night in is filets on the grill, a movie and reading
thanks for the chance
msboatgal at

Candy said...

Good Chinese takeout, DVD rental, buttered popcorn, and a bottle of wine.

umichalum08 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

nothing to clean, girly shows on tv, and a nice drink!

autumn398 @

Snowflake07 said...


ohstac said...


Barbara Montag said...

Perfect night in - take out from our favorite Chinese place & a great dvd!

Barbara Montag said...

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Barbara Montag said...

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Barbara Montag said...

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Barbara Montag said...

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Unknown said...


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