Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Kidorable Review and Giveaway!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The weather here in Indiana is really unpredictable, one minute it will be raining and the next it will snowing. No matter what the weather, it’s important to have fun and functional  apparel for the kiddos. That's why I was really excited to come across Kidorable and their absolutely adorable line of rain gear for just for kids!

"Kidorable delights both children and the adults who love them by transforming everyday, functional kids accessories into objects that excite their imaginations and enrich their lives at play.
From rainwear to backpacks to knitwear and towels, Kidorable speaks to the precious spirit of childhood"

We received the Fireman  rain coat, Umbrella, backpack and rain boots to review. If you have a little  one, I am sure you are aware of the fascination to step in any little puddle that they see, the boots are adorable and perfect for any little puddle lover.

"More than just a pair of boots, these playful puddle magnets make a wonderful gift. Made of natural rubber, they are guaranteed to be the cutest boots in your neighborhood."

The details on these boots are so cute, I love the little wheels on the soles! As soon as my nephew seen these boots, he was trying to shove his little tootsies in... with his shoes on and all.

"Irresistible and eye-grabbing, our stylish, upscale coats are the core of the Kidorable ensemble. All styles are PVC with a comfortable polyester lining"

I love, love this raincoat it is not only adorable, but very well made. It even comes with it's own little matching hanger!

"For the beach, the park, a picnic, or school, Kidorable’s toddler-sized backpacks are perfect for everyday adventures. Our easy to wash PVC backpacks have both inside and outside pockets for child-sized outings."

This backpack is the perfect size for a little one, with a pocket on both sides for a little extra storage.

Have you ever seen anything so adorable?  Kidorable carries everything from umbrellas, rain coats, towels, knit hats and gloves, scarves, and bookends. With several great designs for both boys and girls to choose from, ranging from butterflies, dinosaurs, Fairies, ladybug, space heroes and many more.  

I know you can not tell by the picture but my nephew loves his new rain wear. He isn't very fond of the umbrella however, hence the tears. He has been walking around in the boots with his backpack on all day!

"Kidorable has taken the idea of the humble umbrella and transformed it into an imagination tent. We are proud to offer the most popular assortment of whimsical umbrellas ever created. Made of 100% nylon, Kidorable umbrellas are child-sized for those little hands."

While my nephew was terrified of this umbrella, my 8 year old loved it and swiped it for himself. He really likes it, I thought that it was a little to babyish for him but he does not seem to mind.

For special offers and exciting giveaways follow Kidorable on facebook! If they get 2,000 fans by Dec 25 Kidorable will donate 250 umbrellas to Toys for Tot's!

Giveaway Alert!

One lucky reader will win a Kidorable Umbrella of their choice!

To Enter: You must visit Kidorable and tell me the umbrella you would choose if you were the lucky winner.

Extra Entries: Please leave a seperate comment for each entry.

1. Follow Kidorable on Twitter +1
2. Follow me on Twitter and Tweet about this giveaway. +1 daily
3. Subscribe to my RSS feed.  +1
4. Follow me on friend connect. +1
5. Blog about this giveaway+3

Giveaway open to U.S residents only. This giveaway will conclude on 12/25/09 at 11:59 pm est.

Disclosure: Kidorable provided me with products to review,  I was under no obligation to review them if I so chose. Nor was I under any obligation to write a positive review in return for the free products. Furthermore, the experiences/ opinions  posted above are that of my own, your experience with these products my vary.

161 People Clicked Here to comments:

Mami2jcn said... 1

I like either the ladybug or butterfly umbrella.

mami2jcn at gmail dot com

Mami2jcn said... 2

I follow your blog on google friend connect.

mami2jcn at gmail dot com

Stephanie said... 3

dolphin please for my little boy
tvollowitz at aol dot com

Anonymous said... 4

I would choose the fireman umbrella. My son is 4 years old, but 2 years ago we bought him the coat with the boots. But he didn't have to backpack and umbrella.

Cheryl B said... 5

I would choose the ladybug umbrella.

Cheryl B said... 6

follow kidorable on twitter as cln1812

Cheryl B said... 7

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Amy's Blah, Blah, Blogging said... 8

The Lotus...the frog...the ladybug...too many choices!

Cheryl B said... 9

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Cheryl B said... 10

follow you on google friend connect (Cheryl Bradley)

Amy's Blah, Blah, Blogging said... 11

Following Kidorable on twitter.

VickieC said... 12

I would choose the fireman umbrella,my son in law is a volunteer firefighter an his boys are nuts about anything to do with that

VickieC said... 13

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VickieC said... 14

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Tracey said... 20

Liz would like the fairy umbrella.

Bebemiqui said... 21

I'd love the frog umbrella!

Celeste said... 22

polka dots umbrella :)

contact me at:

Celeste said... 23

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Joseph said... 24

I would choose the "Polka Dots Umbrella".

Unknown said... 25

My son loves the Space Hero umbrella.

Meredith said... 26

I would pick the butterfly for my niece.

Style Wins said... 27

I would pick the frog. So cute!

Style Wins said... 28

I'm following Kidorable on Twitter!

Style Wins said... 29

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Style Wins said... 30

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Style Wins said... 31

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Style Wins said... 32

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Style Wins said... 33

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Anonymous said... 34

I love the Pirate Umbrella!

brandy said... 35

th ebutterfly umbrella is so adorable and perfect for my 2 daughters
bwalleshauser at yahoo dot com

brandy said... 36

i follow kidorable on twitter
bwalleshauser at yahoo dot com

Lo said... 37

I would choose the Dolphin umbrella! Thanks!

Lo said... 38

I follow Kidorable on Twitter (I'm @prizealert)

Lo said... 39

Here's my tweet:

brennaboo said... 40

I love the ladybug umbrella the most.

brennaboo said... 41

I follow Kidorable @brennaboo.

brennaboo said... 42

I'm a twitter follower & I tweeted today 12/19 -

brennaboo said... 43

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brennaboo said... 44

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TheresaJenkins said... 45

the grandkids would love the Frog or the Cat Unbrella ... thanks for the chance

Grace said... 46

The fairy or the lady bug.
I just bought 2 of the fireman/dog for my nephews!

Katrina said... 47

I love the butterfly one

ykatrina at hotmail dot com

bridge1872 said... 48

love the firefighter and fairy umbrellas ! My two children think umbrellas are a must, even for drops if rain !!

Anonymous said... 49

That bear umbrella is too cute!

Unknown said... 50

Ladybug is great

Mamushi Love said... 51

I'd choose the Panda~

cookiert said... 52

I would choose the Lucky Cat for my daughter!

cookiert at yahoo

BargainFun said... 53

I would choose the firefighter CUTE !
bargainfun1 at yahoo

BargainFun said... 54

I follow
bargainfun1 at yahoo

Linda said... 55

I would choose the dinosauer umbrella for my grandson.

Melissa said... 56

I would choose the frog umbrella for my kids!


mogrill said... 57

I would SO love the Fairy Umbrella for my daughter. It is super cute. Thanks for the chance.

winvin said... 58

The frog umbrella always brings a smile to my face

Anonymous said... 59

i would love the frog umbrella for my 3-year old son.

Anonymous said... 60

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Anonymous said... 61

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Jennifer I. said... 62

Girls Houndstooth said... 63

I LOVE the Fairy umbrella - I've never seen anything so cute!

yyeres said... 64

I would get the Frog Umbrella. yyeres(at)gmail(dot)com

Myspiral said... 65

My son would LOVE the space hero line!

Colette S said... 66

I would chooose the littler mermaid or the lady bug. Their products are so adorable!

Melissa said... 67

I would love the Frog Umbrella for my nephew!

xmeliss182x (at) yahoo (dot) com

furygirl3132 said... 68

I love the Butterfly Umbrella, so cute! Thanks so much for such a great giveaway!


furygirl3132 said... 69

Following you on Twitter (furygirl3132) and I tweeted:


furygirl3132 said... 70

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Anonymous said... 71

I would choose the fairy umbrella. My niece would love it! Please enter me.

justicecw said... 72

My son would love the frog umbrella. thanks,

justicecw said... 73

Following Kidorable on twitter = justicecw

Jessica Halsell said... 74

I love the ladybug umbrella

brandy said... 75

bwalleshauser at yahoo dot com

brandy said... 76

blogged #2
bwalleshauser at yahoo dot com

brandy said... 77

blogged #3
bwalleshauser at yahoo dot com

coliebear said... 78

I would chose the pirate umbrella if I won.

Jill Myrick (jsc123) said... 79

I would love to have the Lotus umbrella for my daughter.
Thank you so much for the chance to win.


Jill Myrick (jsc123) said... 80

I am following Kidorable via Twitter as jlsc123.


Jill Myrick (jsc123) said... 81

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Jill Myrick (jsc123) said... 82

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brennaboo said... 83

Tweet 12/22 -

Sheila Hickmon said... 84

I would choose the Ladybug! Thanks!

Sheila Hickmon said... 85

I follow them on twitter! mom2anutball


Sheila Hickmon said... 86

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Sheila Hickmon said... 87

I follow your blog! mom2anutball


Anonymous said... 88

lucky cat

Ellie Wright said... 89

I would love the Fireman umbrella for my little grandson. Thanks for the giveaway.
eswright18 at gmail dot com

Ellie Wright said... 90

Following Kidorable on Twitter.
eswright18 at gmail dot com

Ellie Wright said... 91

I follow on Twitter and tweeted.

Ellie Wright said... 92

I'm a Google Friend Connect follower.

eswright18 at gmail dot com

Becky said... 93

We would choose the fireman umbrella.

Jana said... 94

I would choose the panda. janainmontana(at)yahoo(dot)com

Melodic Mom said... 95

I would get the Ladybug Umbrella.

Melodic Mom said... 96

I follow Kidorable on twitter as MelodicMom

Melodic Mom said... 97

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wombatspurple said... 98

Polka Dots!!
wombatspurple at yahoo dot com

Janet and Maya said... 99

I love the polka dots! My four year old daughter is crazy about umbrellas and these are gorgeous!

mayacarpenter at verizon dot net

Janet and Maya said... 100

I'm following Kidorable on twitter, janetmom2maya.
mayacarpenter at verizon dot net

Janet and Maya said... 101

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mayacarpenter at verizon dot net

Janet and Maya said... 102

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mayacarpenter at verizon dot net

Janet and Maya said... 103

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mayacarpenter at verizon dot net

Janet and Maya said... 104

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mayacarpenter at verizon dot net

Janet and Maya said... 105

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mayacarpenter at verizon dot net

Janet and Maya said... 106

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mayacarpenter at verizon dot net

brennaboo said... 107

12/24 Tweet -

Jblanton said... 108

i like the polka dot umbrella

Jblanton said... 109

following kidorable on twitter

erma said... 110

I like the pink kitty.

Amy delong said... 111

I would pick the frog!


mail4rosey said... 112

Our son has red rainpants, so I would choose the fireman umbrella. Thank you!

Xenia said... 113

I think my daughter would love the cute frog!

Xenia said... 114

I follow Kidorable on Twitter (@thxmailcarrier).

Xenia said... 115

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Xenia said... 116

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Julie said... 117

I like the polka dot umbrella

Julie said... 118

feed subscriber through Google Reader

Linda said... 119

Love the fairy umbrella.
cokelush at gmail

Linda said... 120

Following with google friend connect.
cokelush at gmail

Mir said... 121

I'd pick Houndstooth. I think it's cute!

Ellie Wright said... 122

daily tweet

Storm, The Psychotic Housewife said... 123

We'd get the Fairy umbrella!

stormraven at gmail dot com

Storm, The Psychotic Housewife said... 124

I am following Kidorable on Twitter! (@psychotichouse)

lace said... 125

I'd choose the lotus umbrella

Unknown said... 126

I'd love all of them! But to choose one I'd pick Fireman - it's really bold and imaginative :)

Anonymous said... 127

The little sister loves Frogs.
This umbrella would be prefect for her on those rainy days!

Anonymous said... 128

Google friend connect!

Oneangel said... 129

the ebutterfly umbrella is adorable.

Crystal F said... 130

I like the fairt umbrella! thank you!

carolpie said... 131

For our kitty lovin'littlegirl I would chose the Lucky Cat! So cute!

carolpie said... 132

I follow on Kidorable on Twitter!~dresdenrain.

carolpie said... 133

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carolpie said... 134


carolpie said... 135

Follow me on friend connect-carol lewis.

carolpie said... 136

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carolpie said... 137

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carolpie said... 138

I blogged here: entry 3.

pms3237 said... 139

The Ladybug umbrella is niece would love it.

Jinxy and Me said... 140

I would choose the frog.

Jinxy and Me said... 141

I'm following your blog in Google Friend Connect.

Jinxy and Me said... 142

I'm following Kidorable on Twitter (I'm @ThriftyJinxy).

Kathy P said... 143

id love the butterfly :)

Kathy P said... 144

Kathy P said... 145

following your blog as klp1965

beshe said... 146

Lucky Cat Umbrella

Ellie Wright said... 147

daily tweet

Brn2lisn said... 148

I would choose the fireman umbrella


lisaray said... 149

I absolutely adore the fireman one! I would want this for a friend's daughter. (Her daddy is a fire fighter! How perfect would this be!)

Anonymous said... 150

I love the Butterfly umbrella.

dvice12 said... 151

I'd choose the butterfly umbrella

dvice12 said... 152

I Follow Kidorable on Twitter

dvice12 said... 153

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lilyk said... 154

I love the Lucky Cat Umbrella!


I would love have the New Lotus one!

Love them all!


I follow you on google friend connect!


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I subscribe!


cman said... 160

The firefighter umbrella! I'd love to see some police related items too :)

Donna said... 161

I would like the pink houndstooth.

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